Licensing Hearing 30 September 2024

Museum Gardens

Additional documents submitted by Premises Licence Holder


i.          Written submission on behalf of the premises licence holder (pages 3-14)

ii.         Compilation of supporting documents:

·               Photos of event Location (page 16)

·               Plan illustrating event site layout and surrounding areas (page 17)

·               Event Planner showing interaction with Responsible Authorities and Residents (page 18)

·               Examples of letters sent to inform residents (pages 19-25)

·               Map Showing mailing distribution area (pages 26-27)

·               BSA Background Noise Measurements Report (pages 28-31)

·               Noise Management Plan (pages 32-58)

·               Sound Management Report (pages 59-71)

·               Distance between Westminster Road and Museum Gardens (page 72)

·               Extracts from York Tourism Strategy (pages 73-74)